Vol.6 Noritsugu Oda’s special interview

The final episode of “life of Oda’s residence” is a special interview of Mr. Oda. In the interview, he talks about the effort to fulfill the mission of “leaving a design cultural heritage to posterity” and also about the design museum that has been aiming for realization from the secret story until the Oda’s residence was built, the actual daily life, and the way of thinking about things. Through the life and philosophy of Mr. Oda, we think about “humanely you live”. It’s a very valuable, 22-minute dense story video. Please take a look. All Videos

Vol.5 Short summer at Oda’s Residence

A short summer in Hokkaido has arrived. In the sun, the forest of Oda’s house is vividly colored with beautiful green trees and colorful flowers every year. Spending time outside while surrounded by such plants is a short way to enjoy the summer at Oda’s residence. NEXT Vol.6 Noritsugu Oda’s special interview Watch Video

Vol.4 Arrange the life

After all, the basics of “a mindful life” are cleaning and tidying up. Mr. Oda says cleaning and tidying up is a refreshing time. This time, we were allowed to take a peek at how he usually prepares his life. This video is full of wisdom to make your life beautiful. The contents of Mr. Oda’s cabinet are a must-see. Please enjoy it. NEXT Vol.5 Short summer at Oda’s Residence Watch Video

Vol.3 Refreshing morning

With the late thaw, a pleasant and refreshing season has arrived in Hokkaido. Many “visitors” come to Oda’s residence from the morning to enjoy the thaw. Especially, the time spent together while enjoying conversation with the birds is a special time. Please enjoy the singing voices of the beautiful birds coming to Oda’s residence. NEXT Vol.4 Arrange the life Watch Video

Vol.2 Winter life with beautiful lights

A long winter has arrived in Hokkaido. Lighting equipment is very useful in this short season. From immortal literary work to relatively latest items, the beautiful lights created by numerous lighting fixtures gently illuminate Oda’s residence. Under the detailed lighting plan by Mr. Oda himself, the space where the necessary lights are placed where you need it is a beauty that makes you sigh. NEXT Vol.3 Refreshing morning Watch Video

Vol.1 Winter preparation in autumn

Autumn at Oda’s residence, where the yellow and red trees shine in the gentle sunlight. It’s a short while to be fascinated by such beautiful scenery. At Oda’s residence, he is busy preparing for the winter as we approach the long winter in Hokkaido. He carefully works on each task and prepares for the coming white season. NEXT Vol.2 Winter life with beautiful lights Watch Video


Life at Oda’s Residence — 織田邸の暮らし



Copyright © Oda Collection Organization


Life at Oda’s Residence


A collection of memories by Mr. Noritsugu Oda 12

Copyright © Oda Collection Organization